Sunday, January 20, 2008

One More Room Done!

So we finally finished the downstairs bathroom which means we are ready to move on to the upstairs bathroom! Here's a few shots of the interim and finished project.

Last Weekend Erich and I took a little break from the house and went down to Boise. I had a Drug Court conference to attend and Erich met with a doctor to find out about getting Lasik surgery which he is VERY excited about! It was nice to see old friends and to have a variety of restaraunts to chose from. On the way down we stopped north of New Meadows and played with Libby in the snow. We found one of our dream spots to live, which is the pretty picture.


New Mexican Youngs said...

Bathroom looks great! But I am afriad I did not need to see that picture of Erich!!! You guys are hilarious. So Erich is your Adventure with the scouts happened yet? Man I wish you were here, Morgan and the kids are gone, I have a day off and I don't have anyone crazy to go snowshoing or coyote hunting with...

meagan said...

the bathroom looks awesome. have you shot your gun yet? meag wants lasik too, so you'll have to let us in on the details. have a fun MLK day!

Jeff and Lea said...

We agree with the first two comments. The bathroom looks great! Love the shower. Nice pic of Erich, eeewww. :)

meagan said...

Nice picture on the pot, Erich. I am sure you will enjoy breaking that toilet in. Don't eat too much candy like you did two Christmases ago and get sick or that toilet will not look so good.